Who me?
Yes YOU!
There is someone waiting on the lessons, the trials, the triumphs, the victories, and the truth that can only be told through YOU.
God heals and works through people.
God is speaking to many of us today, right now, in this moment, to share a blessing with someone else.
There is a person right now who is connected to what God put in your heart to share.
So, I know it's hard. I know it is scary. And that's why God has created people like me to walk the path with you.
I BELIEVE IN YOU. And I know you've been called and chosen to share your story.
And besides, someone needs your lessons and is waiting on YOU to SHARE YOUR STORY.
The time is now!
Hi Friend,
My name is Brooke-Sidney. I'm a Soul Story™ Coach. I help souls remember who they are, stand bold and free in who God created them to be, and share their stories to change the world.
I help the chosen authors write their books through ghostwriting, author coaching, author accountability, VIP sessions, editing and more. Limited spots are available. Apply to work with me today.
Schedule your book chat -
In presence and gratitude,
#authorcoach #soulstories #soulstorycoach #writingwithGod #spiritualwellnesscoach