• Are you feeling like your joy is gone?
  • Are you feeling completely depleted - all the way to your soul?
  • Are you struggling with mama guilt?
  • Are you realizing that you don't have good boundaries with your partner and others?
  • Is this motherhood thing not what you expected or signed up for?
  • Are you looking for ways to feel differently about your mama journey? 


  • Are you wishing you could get pregnant?
  • Are you looking for alternative ways of thinking and being about getting pregnant?
  • Are you wondering how to have a conscious pregnancy?
  • Do you need help making sense of all the birthing options out there?
  • Are you short on time and need help developing a birth plan or a postpartum plan? 
  • Are you struggling with pregnancy complications and need help keeping your spirits up or alternative treatment options?

If you said YES to any of the questions above, I can help! I've been there.  

At some point in my mama journey, I answered YES to each of these questions, but I didn't let these feelings and experiences stop me. I had a crazy pregnancy and a challenging postpartum. (I hope you read my Birth Story.) I pushed through. I created solutions for myself. I changed the way I lived and operated in the world. And now I have tools that can help you too.

Let me help you get rid of limiting beliefs that may be stopping you from getting pregnant. Let's chat about different ways to get into the allowing and receiving mode to conceive. I have tons of tools, alternative therapies, and natural ways that helped me conceive. It's time to have fun getting pregnant. 

Let me help you bring joy, happiness, peace, and freedom from mama guilt into your life. I love helping mamas find their inner joy, set real boundaries, make changes if needed, and get that light back! I live to do this! 

If mama isn't happy, no one is happy! 

Let's have a mama heart-to-heart chat. We'll develop a program tailored for you! Click here to schedule your free 30-minute mama session with me today! 


I've developed several courses to help mamas and mamas-to-be that you can complete in the comfort of your home. If you don't see a course below that can help you, contact me. Let's set up a personalized program for you. 


  • Writing Your Birth Story
  • [Coming Soon] Getting In Touch With Your Mother Wisdom
  • [Coming Soon] Celebrating The Empowered & Authentic Mother 
  • [Coming Soon] Kundalini Yoga for the Mama & Mama-To-Be




Are you looking to connect with other mamas? Do you want more support? Would you love to meet other mamas who are in the same place - emotionally, mentally, and spiritually? Would you love to hear expert interviews on all things mothering? 

I invite you and your baby to join an upcoming online mama circle. The circles take place over an 8-week period.

Sign up for the next one!


Would you love to learn how to be more conscious and present with your children? Would you like to parent differently than your parents? Are you looking for new tools for your parenting toolbox? Or are you just curious about the book that Oprah raved about? 

Join "The Conscious Parent" bookclub. It's an online bookclub with weekly updates. And there is a special Facebook group for additional discussion and mama community. For more information, click here


Bella & the Babe welcomes product reviews, sponsored posts, social media campaigns, and giveaways that align with empowered motherhood, conscious parenting, and natural living. To contact, please fill out the form below.