All of our manifestations begin with a dream and a decision to believe in them.

My greatest manifestation of my life has been my son. And I believed beyond believed that the gift of motherhood and specifically my pregnancy with him would be mine.

Beyond early bleeding, trips to the hospital for extreme nausea (hyperemesis gravidarum), multiple IVs, appendectomy (yes, during pregnancy), breech baby, pre-term labor twice (which had to be stopped), and then him being too big for a regular delivery. WHEW! It was a crazy journey.

Yet, I never doubted for a moment that it would manifest. I never doubted that motherhood with this guy would be mine!

So, I manifested my greatest gift - and it all started with a dream and a decision.

What do you need to decide to manifest today?

Need help with your manifestations?

Need help believing?

You can borrow some of mine. I love to help my client believe in and manifest their dreams. And I have so many ways you can work with me. See below!

In presence, gratitude and power,

Brooke-Sidney (aka The Upgrade Queen)

P.S. Grab your Queen Activated 90 minute session to bust through mental and self-love blocks to awaken that Queen within and manifest your dream life. And I have my 1:1 Queen Frequency program and even email coaching. Message me.

P.P.S. BRAND NEW manifestation workshop dropping soon - The Manifestation, The Miracle & YOU. Stay tuned. Dropping in May. Get on my Queen VIP list for early access and discounts.


#manifestationmindset #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourdestiny #manifestyourbestlife #manifestmotherhood


Biggest Secret To Manifest Your Specific Person!
