We all know that life isn't promised to us or that today could be our last day. Yet, very few of us live that way.

We take for granted the breaths and the moments of each day.
We underestimate what we can do in one day and overestimate what we can do in a year.
We don't value our lives nearly as much as we should or the lives of those closest to us.
After all I've experienced in the last week or so with my stepmom, I'm reminded to live and love fully each moment. 🤍
Don't wait to say I'm sorry. Don't forget to tell someone you love them. Give the hug. Spread love. And be intentional.
Friends, making the most of the moments is making the most of our lives. And it will create a life we were proud to live.
What thoughts have you embraced to become more intentional about your moments?
In presence, gratitude and power,
Brooke-Sidney (aka The Upgrade Queen 👑)
P.S. stay tuned for an opportunity to work closer with me to prepare for 2022. If you want to be the first to know, join my text community. Text 310-510-6997.


Today I’m just thankful I remembered my power. 👑

