Although it may not happen in the exact moment of the actual pain, there will come a time when the pain is transformed into power.

The awareness of the pain is present.

The emotions are processed.

The support was received.

The lessons were learned.

The pain was released.

And forgiveness was applied (even if just for ourselves).

That moment will come when the queen transforms and transmutes that pain into personal power.

We must simply trust.

These are just some of the lessons and processes I've learned in the trenches!

Today, what pain can you begin to process knowing and trusting it will eventually become a part of your power? Share below.

In presence and power,

Brooke-Sidney (aka The Upgrade Queen )

P.S. Join my free Awaken Your Inner Queencommunity on Facebook. It’s the place where women rediscover their inner queens, and transform pain to power, heartbreaks to heart-led, messes or mistakes to manifestations, and any self-betrayal to self-love! Queens empower queens. We do the damn thing. Join us.

P.P.S. And if you know you need to shift your pain to purpose, peace, power and prosperity, message me for info on my Queen Frequency program. Get started today.

#paintopower #queenkey #upgradequeen #healfirst #queenmentality #queenfrequency


Because we all have to start somewhere.


Ladies, don't be confused about what true prosperity and abundance means