
An often overlooked area of self-care and self-love is in our relationships.

To many of us have been taught to over give and people please which leaves us depleted, overwhelmed and stressed out. We’ve learned to tolerate disrespect and a lack of consideration. And we may have also internalized that our feelings and needs don’t matter as much as someone we love. So, we end up overvaluing someone else and devaluing ourselves.

We teach people how to treat us by what we allow and accept.

And sometimes the best self-care and self-love is to ensure that your relationships are ones where there is reciprocal love, care, nurturing, kindness, respect and consideration given.

Just a lesson learned in the trenches. #queenkey

Sis, you deserve relationships full of love, care, consideration, ease, fun and reciprocity.

Who’s releasing relationships that require unhealthy heavy emotional lifting? Drop a .

- The Upgrade Queen

P.S. I’m not one to really beat around the bush. Our lives change when we decide to change. Our lives improve when we do. It’s no magic formula. In fact, my Queen Frequency program helps you peel back layers and often uncover pieces of you that you’ve forgotten. It helps you remember and live your own freaking magic. Sis, sometimes we just need someone else to look after us for a minute while we get ourselves back. If that’s you, I got you. PM me to apply for my limited spots.

#queenfrequency #selflovetips




Ladies, you can only be too much for the wrong people.