I think it was Maya Angelou who said that when people show you who they are, believe them.

I remember when I first heard that quote. It was revolutionary - such simple and clear advice.

Yet, depending on your upbringing, childhood trauma, relationship grooming, and lifetime experiences, it could be difficult to follow.

Maybe you were taught that you needed to be “nice.”

Or maybe you were not taught to trust yourself and only listen to voices of authority.

Or perhaps you grew up in a family where you were seen but not heard.

Or perhaps you were made to believe that giving second, third, and fourth chances to hurtful people was you taking the “high road.”

Or maybe somehow your religion got jumbled up in there. And accepting others bad treatment was being a good Christian, Buddhist, ….. fill in the blank.

Or maybe somewhere along the line you learned that being positive meant putting up with crap.

There are a ton of examples and experiences that can have us NOT believing the actions of people in our lives.

And if you are anything like me, it took years of UNLEARNING how I was “supposed to be” and respond.

It took therapy, coaching, mindfulness, meditation, God and more to build up my belief in my own intuition, gut instinct, discernment and reading people’s energy. It took the inner work to expose the faulty beliefs and release bad experiences. And then, over time the trust in myself and my thoughts began to exceed everyone else’s - even the people I was supposed to be able to trust. (That’s a whole other story.)

The key here is to pay attention to who people are - not just what they say but how they show up with you, FOR YOU, and in the world.

Take your time.
Pause. Observe. Pray. Meditate. Listen.

And in the end, trust your heart and your intuition.

These are my lessons learned from the trenches.

Are you able to trust your intuition when you observe people’s actions? Have you learned that actions truly speak louder than words?

In presence and gratitude,

p.s. For those seeking support on this healing journey, message me. ❤️

#mindfulawareness #consciousrelationships


Happy Hump Day Wednesday In A Season Where Every Day Basically Feels The Same


My name is Brooke-Sidney. I'm a Soul Story™ Coach.