Patience for the moment
Patience for where we are.

Allowing the discovery.

Sharing vulnerabilities to get deeper into our truth! Yessss!

That’s what we’re chatting about on today’s MindSoulful Monday / Tuesday. ❤️

In presence and gratitude,

P.S. Interested in truly working with whatever is coming up for you right now to heal and grow? Are you ready to bring your own truth to everything in the world right now that is prompting you to go deeper? Are you waking up to the elements of yourself that have been unconscious?

If so, I'd love for you to join this beautiful sacred space that I am creating to mindfully and lovingly do the inner work to develop ourselves as we create a better world. All this peace we want to see in the world begins within. We get to have peace, joy, happiness, love, and abundance. Get on the email list for first access to my latest offering - Mindfulness to Miracles membership. DM me. ⁣

#mindfulnoticing #mindfulnessforall #mindsoulful #soulfulmindfulness #patience


I’m excited to be a part of this event where we are going to hit the RESET button on 2020! I will help us reset our VISION.


I'm excited and honored to be a part of this event, STOP FEELING POWERLESS AT WORK, which starts today June 15 - July 5, 2020!