Depending upon the inner work we’ve done or not done, our mind can play terrible tricks on us. ⁣⁣

Depending upon the inner work we’ve done or not done, our mind can play terrible tricks on us. ⁣⁣
It can have us replaying old and outdated stories on even the happiest days. ⁣⁣
It could have us bringing up sad memories of the past or projecting anxieties about the future. ⁣⁣
And our mind doesn’t take a break. It will do this story recycling over and over again - even on our happiest of moments. ⁣⁣
Today, on my son’s graduation, I was determined to not let fears of the future or painful times of the past steal my present day joy. ⁣⁣
I did that by returning to the present moment where everything was peaceful. Beautiful. Happy. ⁣⁣
And the moment was oh-so-worthy of celebration. ⁣⁣
My mind and its crazy thoughts and related emotions didn’t get to hijack anything. NOTHING! Showing me - once again - that I had done the work, am doing the work, and I have the right tools. Friends, this is the work. ⁣⁣
What tools are you using to be fully in your moments and stay connected to your joy? Tell me below! 👇🏽😊❤️⁣⁣
In presence and gratitude,⁣⁣
Brooke-Sidney ⁣

P.S. I’m creating a sacred container to support the souls who want to do the deeper soul work for personal change and social change. Message me and get on the list. ⁣⁣
#innerwork #mindsoulful #soulfulmindfulness #mindfulness #mindfulnessmatters #breathmatters #blackbreathmatters #presentmomentreminder


Something to meditate on as you evaluate your relationships in this moment. You’re welcome. 😘


What are YOU prepared to change? ⁣⁣⁣⁣