What do you do for YOU during your birthday?

It's only fitting that I jumpstart my birthday celebrations with a little hip hop! (For those of you that don't know me that well, hip hop is a BIG LOVE of mine. And I love to dance!)

So, I am sharing last year's MindSoulful Monday (on May 6, 2019), in which I am shared a few things that I do around my birthday. I also shared my theme for 2019!

What do you do for YOU during your birthday?

Do you have a self-reflection process?

Do you have a releasing, surrendering, and detaching process?

Let me know your birthday process in comments. 🎁

in presence and gratitude,

P.S. if this message speaks to you and you’d like to work with me to step fully into your soul honoring truth to uplevel your inner and outer abundance for more power, purpose, prosperity and freedom, message me. ❤️⁣⁣

#celebrateyou #prebirthdaycelebrations #birthdayreflections #mindsoulful #spiritualwellness


Today is MY BIRTHDAY!!⁣


On the eve of my birthday...