Can we just talk for a moment?

It’s really hard for us to have AUTHENTIC relationships when we can’t be authentic with ourselves.

We can’t admit that we do some f’d up stuff.

That we still have places to heal.

That we carry shame.

That sometimes we may be the toxic one.

We also have problems forgiving others as well as ourselves.

We can’t possibly expect authenticity from others when the person looking back at us in the mirror is still hiding.

Afraid to truly look beneath the hood and examine her own thoughts, beliefs and actions.

To really ask the deeper questions to understand life and herself better.

I was that woman. And during that portion of my life, I didn’t really know what I didn’t know. Unconscious patterns and childhood conditioning programming were running wild.

I was ok with being “fine” and moving through life. Existing. Meeting and checking off success boxes - most of which I really didn’t create.

Yet, Life, the Divine, has a way of waking us up so we can BE and do better ~ Step fully into our divine aligned purpose.

Take this message as an invitation into your greatest authenticity as a gift.

A doorway into the YOU that you knew was there. The life you always wanted. The career you always wanted.

And yes, the relationships you always wanted.

Because the soul aligned folks and your future mate need the authentic and real you to show up.

For it’s only then that the two authentic people can truly meet, and be the divine reflections God intended for each person’s highest and best.

So, what’s stopping you from seeking greater authenticity?

Just some lessons I’m learning in the trenches.

In presence, gratitude, and power,


P.S. and for those women seeking greater authenticity through self acceptance, releasing old stories, and deeper mindful attention and love for themselves and others, and want to step into their Queen Frequency - message me to learn more about my programs. You’ll know when you’re ready to step into your next level. I’m believing that 2021 is your time.


How to Go From Bruises to Blessings and Benefits


IT’S TIME. It’s time to go within. Hear the messages. Uncover the truth.