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Today, take note of your STRENGTHS.

Today, take note of your STRENGTHS.

WHAT IS YOUR STRENGTH? What do you need to CELEBRATE about you and your journey today?

Let me help you get started. Maybe you are...

✨ Getting back up after you fell down
✨ Not letting fear stop you
✨ Leaving that toxic/abusive relationship
✨ Keeping your heart open
✨ Going back to school
✨ Getting your finances on track
✨ Mommy-ing and homeschooling
✨ Paying off debt
✨ Getting that bachelor's degree
✨ Buying your first home
✨ Cleaning up your credit
✨ Starting a new business
✨ Bossing out in the biz you have
✨ Taking a breath instead of yelling
✨ Speaking life to someone who deserved less
✨ Using your forgiveness muscles
✨ Cooking healthy meals for your family
✨ Growing food in your own garden
✨ Learning how to use your voice
✨ Nurturing your kid's gifts and abilities
✨ Creating new boundaries and standards
✨ Doing the inner work to be a better you
✨ Being a loving and supportive mate
✨ Surrendering to God


Whatever your strengths are, take a moment to reflect upon them and register them. ❤️ Being on quarantine is providing a necessary PAUSE and RESET to reflect on who we really are. Today, let's focus and appreciate our strengths.

Check out today's MindSoulful Monday about clarity and post-quarantine takeaways for more food for thought. (link below)

And if you need help seeing your strengths, reframing the past, and stepping into a more prosperous future of peace, presence and power - schedule your session. Link below!

#mindsoulful #celebrateyou #postquarantine #innerjourney #spiritualwellness #MiracleMindset