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Heyyyyy ladies!!!!!

I’ve got some exciting news.

I’m opening a brand new community on Facebook called AWAKEN YOUR INNER QUEEN designed to help soul led women heal, grow, and transform to have more healthy love, inner power, joy and abundance.

I believe that all of us possess this beautiful whole self, higher self, healed self, healthy self, the God within us - this is our inner queen.

Yet, life has dealt us blows, challenges, and heartbreaks that little by little cause us to shrink, dim, and disconnect from that Queen within. Over time we hardly know ourselves. We can’t see ourselves or our lives clearly. And then we choose men, relationships and other choices that quite frankly aren’t best for us. And sadly, if you’re anything like me, you may not know it’s happening until it’s too late. You wake up in a toxic situation, divorced or just freaking unhappy with your life.

And perhaps wondering like I did - how the hell did I get here?

Well there’s no quick answer or one answer. In fact, our lives have had their share of ups and downs and good and bad. Yet what I know after years of being on this healing journey is that there’s so much happiness, peace, abundance and personal power on the other side.

Yes personal power. It happened when I started down the path of wondering how I got here - in an unhealthy marriage now separated and sleeping on a trusted friend’s sofa bed with my two year old child. It felt ridiculous, almost impossible. I mean I’m supposed to be so damn smart. 4 degrees. Lawyer. Journalist.

I quickly learned it wasn’t a smarts issue. It was a heart issue.

And in a desperate plea to God to change it all. God responded and said heal yourself so you can heal others.

So your story may not be like mine. And that’s ok. We all have our stories, programming, childhood issues, wounds, traumas — what I call heartbreaks. And believe me, this snippet is only the tip of a very big and deep iceberg - one I don’t mind sharing more of in my community.

The common thread is that we can heal, upgrade, and transform all of it for our good. I’m proof.

We can awaken our inner queens by transforming our...

Self-betrayal to self-love

Pain to power

Heartbreak to heart-led

Messes to miracles and manifestations

I can. You can. We can. And we can upgrade and transform together. Support is needed on this journey. And I promise you I can save you time, money (girl the money I’ve spent on lawyers, therapists, coaches, spiritual mentors, trainings, certifications, etc....whew!) energy, and heartache.

I’m not perfect or 100% healed (hell no one is). However I am healthy - emotionally and spiritually and mentally. I feel a great sense of peace despite all the craziness that’s going on. (I thank God for all of this too!!) I’m happy, and never been happier. And I feel safe and secure within me - which is THE most important thing. Whatever comes, me and God got this. I feel that deep in my bones and soul.

I’m grateful for my child I love and get to spend time with, and a healthy co-parenting relationship with my ex - what I once thought would be impossible.

I live where I dreamed of living - blocks to the ocean. Travel where I want to go (normally lol pre-pandemic). And I have healthy love in my life. Finally. Blessed.

Whatever it is that you’re struggling with - heartache, self-doubt, lost yourself, toxic relationships, lack of confidence - it can be transformed. Believe me.

I’m still sharing my proprietary MindSoulful teachings which include mindfulness, mindset and manifestation that helped me get out of my mess, learn to deeply and unconditionally love myself, manifest healthier relationships and abundance — and awaken my queen.

So join us. I’m hosting a Meet Your Inner Queen masterclass series. It’s starting soon.

Doors opening 11/11.

Can’t wait to see you in there Queen (and bring another Queen-friend).

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