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MindSoulful Minute™: Don't Wake Up & Get On The 'Gram 

Today, I’m encouraging you to stay off of social media first thing in the morning (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). Don't immediately turn your dial to what everyone else is doing, saying, or thinking.✨

Instead, turn your dial to you. TUNE INTO YOU. ❤️

Do something in the morning that is prayerful, affirmative, or meditative. 🙏🏽

Be mindful of tuning into someone else's frequency with social media, especially in the morning when we are more open and receptive. 

First thing in the morning, try tuning into what You and God/Spirit want for you and your day.✨

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this tip. And follow me at

In presence and gratitude, 

p.s. Need meditation help?? Check out my MindSoulful Membership Circle. The latest content is all about developing a Soulful Meditation Practice. You will receive this content for only $37/month in the membership or pay $77 by itself! Your choice! Your way! I'm here ready for the souls called to make a shift! (Click here)